A partnership is a business structure in which two or more persons or entities establish a working relationship to operate their business for profit.
Why Indemnity Clauses Are Important
Indemnity clauses, also commonly referred to as “hold harmless” clauses, are used in various types of contractual arrangements and are certainly prevalent in the construction industry. An indemnity clause basically transfers risk from one party to the other. In legal terms, the indemnitor is the one who assumes the risk, and the indemnitee is the one who is protected by indemnification.
Preparing for Business Litigation
If you’re doing business, it’s not unusual to run into disputes with other businesses or individuals, whether customers, clients, partners, suppliers, contractors, or other competing enterprises. Your initial response will probably be to attempt to resolve disputes through negotiation to avoid the cost, public exposure, and time involved in litigation.
Important Elements of Proving Business Fraud
Business fraud can be tremendously damaging to your business, whether you are the perpetrator or the victim. Fraud by its nature is often hard to detect because the perpetrator goes to great lengths to hide their activities.
What Must a Seller Disclose About Property Defects?
The California real estate market has been rising rapidly in valuations since the onset of the pandemic and low-interest-rate mortgages. The California Association of Realtors (C.A.R.) reports that the median home price in 2022 is set to rise 5.2% to $834,400 after a projected 20.3 percent raise to $793,100 in 2021 from 2020.
The Construction Defect Statute Of Limitations
If you’ve just purchased a new home or commercial building, and after occupying the structure you discover defects that need correcting, is there a time limit in which you must take legal action—in other words, a statute of limitations?
Are Employment Arbitration Clauses Enforceable?
Employers generally rely heavily on arbitration clauses in their agreements with employees. Upon accepting a job offer, a prospective employee will often be required to sign what might be called an employment agreement or even an employee policy manual or handbook.
Understanding Construction Defect Lawsuits
You’ve just purchased a new home and moved in, expecting everything to be working perfectly. After a few weeks, or a few months, a defect shows up. What are your rights?
How Informal Discovery Conferences May Reduce Costs
The discovery phase of a lawsuit can account for one-half or more of the total costs of litigation, especially if the counsel for one party is dissatisfied with the answers to the interrogatories submitted to the other party.
Business Interruption Claims and COVID
When the pandemic and government shelter-at-home orders took effect in March 2020, many businesses in California and across the nation were forced to shut down as a precautionary measure to help check the spread of the virus.